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Do you know about Ezekiel’s temple? II
 글쓴이 : 관리자

God showed every detail of the temple to prophet Ezekiel through visions and made each measurement of every corner of it and informed him of the exact measurements. However, when He showed the visions to Ezekiel, He did not tell him to “build it.” He only ordered him to see with his eyes, hear with his ears, and give attention to all that He was going to show him (Ezek 40:4). As such, since the temple has never been built in this world, it is often called “a temple with no address on the earth.”

1. The structure of the book of Ezekiel

The book of Ezekiel is composed of 1,273 verses from chapter 1 verse 1 through chapter 48 verse 35. The book is structured so perfectly and in a stable way that even removing a single verse among the 1,273 verses would damage the entire structure.

2. When prophet Ezekiel received his calling, heaven was opened.

When prophet Ezekiel received his calling from God, heaven was opened. It was in 593 BC, when he was 30 years old. The reality then was so dire that everything seemed to be not working out. Yet, God opened up heaven to start the history of salvation in Israel. He showed his amazing providence to restart with the people who had been destroyed completely.
In the Bible, there were times when heaven was opened, as a great sign of a new beginning. As a domain that belongs to God’s sovereignty, heaven was opened when God’s redemptive administration was achieved on the earth. Particularly, it is profound that those verses are recorded mostly when Messiah came to this earth according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him.
This gives a great lesson to the saints in the end time who are going into the new temple. With human thoughts, we may encounter moments when we want to give things up in despair and discouragement.
However, when God opens up the gateway of heaven in his sovereignty, he lifts us up who are unworthy once again to start a new beginning. The right of opening and closing up heaven belongs to the authority of the Word of God only (1Kings 17:1), and God is the ruler who holds the work of heaven. As the Lord says, “Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).” Therefore, God who is in heaven and all the Words coming from his mouth are a ray of light of great hope, the only channel of joy, the only comforter, and the bread of life.

3. The transgressions of Israel and the recovery through Ezekiel’s temple

1) The glory of God left the temple due to sin
Because of the transgressions of the Israelites, God’s glory left the temple. The Israelites committed the evil sin of making an idol at the entrance of the gate of the temple, which was toward the north (Ezek 8). God could not stay in the temple any longer. God’s glory slowly moved away from the inside of the temple (Ezek 10:4) → the threshold of the temple (Ezek 10:18) → the east gate (Ezek 10:19) → the mountain east of the city (Ezek 11:23). The sin of idolatry caused God to leave and eventually destroyed Israel.

2) Recovery though Ezekiel’s temple
However, when the people repented, God’s glory was recovered. The glory of God came from the East (Ezek 43:2) → the east gate (Ezek 43:4) → finally filled the temple (Ezek 43:5). In the work of recovery, the glory of God which was staying in the east side of the city came back to Ezekiel’s temple. Prophet Ezekiel urged the people to repent and breathed in them hope through the new temple. The people recovered their relationship with God in the new temple and began the work of the new worship. As the temple of the holy God, we too can be qualified to enter Ezekiel’s temple in the end time when we hold Jesus in our hearts as our all in all.

4. Ezekiel’s temple and New Jerusalem

Ezekiel’s temple and New Jerusalem, which appears in the book of Revelations, have never been built on the earth. These are structures that cannot be built by men, but by God. These are the temples that only the people who are transfigured at the second coming and who are born again can see and enter.

5. Ezekiel temple, a perfect square

1) Ezekiel Temple is a perfect square with its all four sides being exactly the same in length. This signifies God’s unchanging righteousness. Hebrews 13:8 testifies that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
2) Jesus teaches the providence of redemption that His redemptive work by shedding blood for the sin of all men applies equally to all. Humans discriminate people; they prefer those over whom they dislike, those with high status over low status, the rich over the poor, and those with talents over without talents.
However, God is unlike them. Our minds should be a square as God’s. We should not treat people differently. We should not look down on others. We should not be partial.
3) Ezekiel temple is a temple of absolute protection; nothing evil or profane can enter.

※ Ezekiel’s temple that is perfectly square: the measurements (length × width) of Ezekiel’s temple are the same, making it a perfect square.

1 long cubit=53.2cm / 1measuring rod =6cubit=3.192m

※ The unit of the measurement used in measuring Ezekiel temple is “a measuring rod.” It is kane in Hebrew, meaning reed, or staff. In English Bible, it is translated as “rod,” or “reed.”
The Hebrew word kane is kanon in Greek (a language in which the New Testament is recorded), meaning “ruler, standard, statutes, border.” In other words, a tool of measurement is the Word of God which is the statutes and law of saints. These words still exist in modern English in different forms: canon means “norm, precepts, the canon of the Bible,” and “cane” means “staff.”

6. The work of dividing the holy land which are to be offered.

The holy land to be offered to God as an allotment is 25,000 cubits in length and width. The land is divided into three sections.

What is common between the Levites and the priests who received the land is that they both served in the temple. When they were loyal and dedicated for the temple and guarded church, risking their lives, they received the huge portion of land.

7. What does “to measure” Ezekiel temple mean?

Ezekiel temple has exact measurements in every place it was measured. A unique word that appears in Ezekiel temple is ‘measurement.’ Since the word ‘measurement’ appears most frequently in regards to Ezekiel temple and the city of New Jerusalem, they are related to the apocalyptical judgment. This word does not appear in the previous temples and tabernacles.
God says to give the Word of God only those who measure themselves with the Word of God and realize their sins and feel shameful and repent. Even when given the Word, those who understand God with the head only and do not take the Word into action, or those who live without God cannot understand the Word and cannot see Ezekiel temple in the end time. They cannot even be measured by God.
The meaning of the word becomes clearer, as we read, “…describe the temple to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and let them measure the plan” (Ezek 43:10-11, NSAB).
Saints should be measured by the Word of God and keep bearing fruits in keeping with repentance.
Noah did according to all that God had commanded him and was recognized as blameless before God, and David was recognized as a man after God’s heart. As such, we also should meet the requirement of God’s measurement, by ensuring that both of our outer man and inner man do not fall short in God’s measurement.

Written by reporter Ji Keun-wook
* This article compiled and summarized from the Lord’s Day sermon, “The last temple given in God’s redemptive historical administration”
(Feb 17, 2013, 2nd Service), “Why did He measure? (The terrible crime against humanity as a result of disobedience: boiling and eating one’s own child)” (Feb 24, 2013, 2nd Service), and the word taught about Ezekiel’s temple in various Bible studies.
* The structure and the biblical meaning of Ezekiel’s temple are to be introduced more in detail in the 9th and 10th book of the History of Redemption series, which are soon to be published.


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